But Death is Not Forbidden Read online

Page 17

  It was Moes’ clothes, a bit of silver, and the ring Mind over Matter. Moes quickly dressed, put on his ring, and pocketed the silver. Moes smiled at the realization that he would actually be able to keep this ring.

  Grork suddenly shined with a quick flash of golden light. The goblin started to chuckle, then reached in another pocket and pulled out Spooky’s rings and medallions. With her keen eye, she saw them from afar and flew toward Grork. He gently placed them in her hands and a small flash of golden light flickered in his eyes. Grork let out another laugh.

  “Thank you, Grork,” Spooky said.

  “Yes, thank you, Grork. But if you don't mind me asking, what's with all the chuckling?” Moes asked.

  “I have now reached Rank 2 of the Finder profession,” Grork said.

  “Rank 2? Would that make you a hobbyist? Which variant of the Finder profession do you have, selfish or selfless?” Moes asked.

  Grork looked around in the air.

  “It says selfless,” Grork stated.

  “That is the much better option of the two and much more rare. It means you're now more likely to find valuable items. To be perfectly candid, I highly doubt there has ever been a Selfless Finder of the goblin race. Congratulations, Grork, and thank you again,” Moes said holding up his ringed finger.

  “I also get experience if I return lost items to their owner. Experience is good. I read with the UI that the more experience you get, the higher your level becomes. I can become strong,” Grork said, then turned back down the stairs and left. Moes looked back at Spooky and shook his head.

  “Everything is changing, I'll see you later. I've got a lot of work to do, not to mention a good deal of thinking,” Moes said and followed after Grork.

  New Fact:

  195- UI translation of the goblin language includes better grammar and more accurate adjectives and verbs.

  After Grork and Moes left, one of the tiles on the floor opened up, revealing a tunnel below it. Spooky jumped in, using the shortcuts she had made for herself and the bunnies. She slid down the tube, tucking her wings in tight and picking up speed. At the precise moment, she unfurled her wings catching the air and slowing down. She popped out right at the entrance to Os. This time, she didn't bring even a single golem.

  As Spooky made her way through the entrance, Os was entirely unsure of how to respond. No one had ever died in her dungeon and then returned. The dark fairy had to be a Champion. Os had heard of such from adventurers telling stories, but those champions were almost always large and powerful. The surprise was so great she almost forgot to greet the fairy.

  Welcome Champion to the ancient Dungeon of Os.

  Spooky didn't give a greeting nor did she comment on how she had returned to life. This was the time for business and promises.

  “I come from a world that has been a student of war from the beginning. Not for a single moment in our history have we neglected our learning. We have become so proficient that on more than one occasion we have nearly destroyed our whole planet. I don't say this because I am a braggart. I say this because it's important for you to know who I am and where I come from. I don't wish to destroy you, for you are magnificent, but no one from my country would ever shy away from doing what is necessary, no matter how unpalatable. Only one thing has saved you. It is clear that you understand the value of rules and holding to them. In that spirit, I am here to offer you a deal, a covenant. It is a simple covenant. You will make a commitment and in return I will make a commitment. Your part of the deal is easy. You will not encroach upon our castle. Not one inch, not one millimeter, not one micron. If you wish to expand in the subterranean and even open new entrances out in the valley, then that is acceptable. As long as these entrances are clearly marked so that those who walk through know what they are entering. Upon my next death, I will even provide you with a detailed map of the valley. My part of the covenant is only slightly more complicated. We will continue to build our strength and we will only allow those who commit to never harm your core to gain entrance to you. Mind you, this part of the covenant is only valid for the current entrance. If you open others, that is your own risk. The other part of the covenant is that I will keep the secrets that I know about you. That is all that is contained in our covenant. If you happen to be wondering why I would require so little of you, the answer is simple. I understand your nature. You are a dungeon of rules. A dungeon of give-and-take. Normally, the odds are always in your favor, eventually you will take the life of those inside you. But, throughout the whole challenge, you will give out fantastic treasures. The odds shift in someone else's favor if they can come back from death. Over time, there will be many in my kingdom who can come back from death. This means you will be able to eat them, gain substance, and some memories, but they will be able to return. Through you, I will train and equip soldiers. We can have a beautiful symbiotic relationship. It will be based upon mutual respect and mutual benefit. On the other hand, you could reject my offer or break the covenant. In this case, it's possible you could even take part of my castle, but in the end, if you chose that direction you would be destroyed, utterly sundered. Likely, the whole valley would be destroyed, possibly even the whole continent. I hope for both our sakes this is not the path you choose. With all of that said, I give you my oath. I will keep my part of the covenant and your secrets, Osmium,” Spooky said, then turned and left the dungeon.

  The Covenant Dungeon of Os bids farewell to the Keeper of Oaths and Secrets.

  Apparently Os had made her choice, and a right one at that.

  Spooky’s unfortunate death in the dungeon had cost her over half a day. Earlier, she had listed out her priorities. The second priority had been to acquire all the items in the Fey Controller Set. Sadly, Spooky now realized it was naive of her to think she could get all of them before Joe woke up from his trance. At this point, she regretted encouraging him to even go into the trance. It would have been quite helpful to take Joe into the dungeon with her, but that would have to wait.

  She made an amendment to her second priority and listed out the first three in her HUD.

  Priority 1- Reformat elemental metallic crystals in order to create a heart for an obsidian automaton. Time allocation: 25%.

  Priority 2- Grind through the Dungeon of Os’ first two floors for experience. Time allocation: 25%.

  Priority 3- Research how to make Joe's uniform/armor more durable. Time allocation: 10%.

  Spooky went down to the lab located in Joe's suite. She focused for over twelve hours, alternating between studying the elemental cores and the flower petals she had gathered in the dungeon. Bork had come up, as requested, to take a look at the flowers. He was helpful in identifying similarities and differences between the various species. Bork even gave Spooky a few chemical reagents to experiment with when testing the flowers. He was gentle, humble, and freely gave his knowledge of alchemy and herb lore. Before Bork left, he reminded Spooky that he and Grork would need to sleep the next twenty-four hours. Spooky arranged for Moes to watch the vault.

  The noon and the evening bunnies had already been born. As was now routine, her processor started to slow down. She found a nice quiet place to lay down and specifically not sleep.

  Chapter 13 - Creations

  The Wild Mountains.

  Inside the Champion’s castle.

  Day five, just after the Midnight Bunny.

  The midnight gong brought Spooky to full alertness and she noted with relief that her processor was once again running at its normal speed. She would refrain from going down to the dungeon just yet. They had made a covenant, but Spooky wanted to let Os process the new paradigm for at least a few days. There was plenty of other work to do, and priorities that would need attention.

  She now understood the basic structure of the Elemental Iron Core and the Elemental Cobalt Core. Unfortunately, Spooky did not think she could reprogram them. It became clear she would have to make a new core to use as the heart for her obsidian soldier. She would need one mo
re day to save up the building points in order to make the automaton itself, but without the heart it would be mindless and vulnerable.

  It was time to plan the design for the heart of the obsidian automaton. Unlike most of her projects, this would require her complete and undivided attention. The heart itself was not just hardware; it necessitated software that Spooky would have to write. During her study of the elemental cores, she had observed that they functioned most efficiently when the Night Lights were falling. This would happen just after the Morning Bunny was born. Spooky decided she would use that moment to materialize the heart. This meant she had less than six hours to plan the structure and write the code.

  She laid down and began to visualize an Elemental Cobalt Core. She had found that the cobalt variant seemed to hold more data than the iron variant. As she wrote the software, she made sure to include a healthy respect for laws. Its number one priority would always be to protect and obey both its maker and Joe. Though it would be intelligent, Spooky could see that it would never rise to the level of sentience. Rather than discourage Spooky, this comforted her. If any of her golems became sentient, she could tell that a part of her would feel restrained from forcing them into battle for their protection. Perhaps, she told herself, this was because she knew Joe would want them freed immediately. She had learned that this was an unwavering value within him.

  She continued to write efficient and useful code. For hours, she silently worked so that she would be ready when the Morning Bunny arrived.



  The Abiogenesis Bunny Generator has made the Morning Bunny.

  The timing was perfect as she held the code and structure of the cobalt heart in her mind. Hovering above the floor with her arms spread wide, Spooky began to glow with the brilliance of sunlight breaking through a prism. The gleam from her body reflected off the panoramic glass windows in the room. Her Energy Mass Conversion Magic converted her mana into a new cobalt heart that materialized before her.

  Something was off, though. There was no internal magical pulse.

  Landing before the unanimated heart, Spooky felt a sense of frustration, causing her to pause. “There is something more needed in this reality. …Yes, you were right.” She flew across the room and back again, now holding the orb of concentrated mind essence she had obtained from Moes. She tapped it forward, and it rolled into the heart and was immediately absorbed.


  You have created a high quality item: Obsidian Automaton Cobalt Heart.

  Spooky could immediately tell that she had been successful. She could sense its intelligence. Tomorrow, when she made the obsidian automaton, this heart would give it the ability to act independently.

  Leaving the heart on the table, Spooky immediately switched her focus and went back to studying the flowers. It was her firm belief that they would be the key to making a durable uniform for Joe. Though she had been successful in making the heart, she would not slow down to celebrate.

  Day six.

  Once again, Spooky was brought to full alertness from the gong of the Midnight Bunny. Using her HUD, Spooky noted that she did not yet have enough building points to finish her obsidian golem. If she gained back a few of the levels she had lost via her rebirth, she would have enough. Additionally, her studies had revealed she would need a significantly larger amount of flowers from the dungeon in order to complete the uniforms she had planned. It was time to return to Os. This time, she would focus on her own advancement. She didn't bother calling Moes or Grork. She needed experience and was not in a sharing mood.

  Bringing four angels to primarily carry the loot, she entered the dungeon.

  The Covenant Dungeon of Os greets the Keeper of Oaths and Secrets.

  Spooky chose not to bring the medallions of safe passage. Quickly and efficiently, her golem killed the first floor mushroom boss. She received only a small healing potion and 7 XP.

  On the next floor, she carefully disarmed all the traps, remembering to collect the flower petals. From the experience received in the hallways, she gained a level. Without the other group members, all the experience went to her.


  You have moved up a Level.

  Current Level- 42.

  When she arrived at the clearing, she decided to try something new. Though she killed the boar in the same way, when she charged at the boss flower, her angel with two short swords flew directly behind her. As the boar's tusk penetrated the flower, the angel’s swords quickly tried removing the leaves. It was a success. Before the petals of the giant corpse flower could turn to ash, Spooky had collected them. Removed from the main flower, they turned black, but still retained much of their protective properties. Collecting the experience and some minor loot, Spooky and her golems left the dungeon.

  The Covenant Dungeon of Os bids farewell to the Keeper of Oaths and Secrets.

  The whole process had taken less than an hour. Spooky immediately entered again and received an identical greeting. As she grinded through the first two floors, she did nothing different. It was about experience and gathering flowers.

  She went through the first two levels five full times, exiting each time so that the dungeon could reset. The sixth time she entered she was greeted with a different message.

  The Covenant Dungeon of Os regrets to inform the Keeper and her golems that the first two floors of this dungeon may only be completed five times in one day for any single group. Floor 3 and those below are still available for play.

  This wasn't a surprising rule. Despite the limitation, during the four-hour grind Spooky had gained five levels.

  Current Level- 46.

  This meant she had enough points of power to become a journeyman in Binding Magic. She only received 2 stat points during the grind, and both of them have been in wisdom. This brought her up to 15, when the 6 she had received from skills and equipment were added.

  Wisdom- 9 + 6

  Journeyman Binding Magic, ConMod + 2

  Spooky felt her magic increase as the points were allocated. The increase in rank had given her new spells. She had finally received a decent attack spell. She even acquired a useful control spell and a spell that should be able to heal her golems.

  Binding Magic

  Spells acquired

  L4 Stone Binding. Ability to bind stone back together, but only if it has been broken for 60 seconds or less.

  L4 Weak Bound Will. Ability to cause the will of a monster to become bound to the caster. Monster will remain aware of the bind and its actions, growing steadily in its anger toward the controller. Every ten minutes the monster is given an opportunity to break the spell.

  L5 Iron Lung. Ability to cause an enemy’s lungs to bind together, leading to labored breathing. If the enemy fails to resist the spell within the first ten minutes, the enemy dies.

  Once again, a true emotion popped up, joy. As Spooky had done previously, she attempted to wall off the unfamiliar stimulus. Only, this time, the emotion did not find an easy outlet to escape. Spooky felt it for longer than she had anticipated. It was a bit intoxicating. Shaking her head, she tried to wipe the smile off her face.

  “Perhaps I need to submit a bug report,” Spooky thought to herself. She, of course, had already submitted many tickets via the UI, but had just received curt replies in response, asking her to only report true bugs.

  Despite her prolonged experience of this emotion, it had no effect on her denial of the new reality. For some reason, part of her wanted desperately to believe that she was unchanged and still in a game world.

  Feeling charged, Spooky retrieved her heart for the obsidian automaton and headed to the top floor. The Night Lights were still shining bright in the sky. As their light reflected through the geodesic dome, it sparkled on the tile floor. Joe sat in his trance, healing Lil who was currently awake and eating from the pile of ore mined from the surrounding area and the dungeon below them. Lil looked tired, but healthy. Glowing blue letters shone bright
ly above her head.

  Major NPC, Lil

  Yeti Berserker

  Spooky tilted her head, interested to see that the UI had decided to categorize Lil. She was not a player, but also not a common NPC. As large as Lil was getting, maybe it just had to do with size.

  In between bites, Lil greeted Spooky. “Hello, Miss Joy. I grow strong. It good morning,” Lil said.

  “Good morning to you, Lil. I am glad that Joe’s sacrifice of time and energy has been such a boon to you. You know he doesn't expect a lot in return from you, but I hope you will honor his sacrifice,” Spooky said.

  Lil nodded.

  “I father's daughter. I do what I say. I serve,” Lil said, nodding her head toward Joe. It was a commitment, and Spooky was glad she heard it even though she had not bound the growing child. Even without the binding, Spooky could hear the truth in the girl's words.

  “I sleep,” Lil said as she laid her head back and begin to snore.

  Spooky moved on the other side of the altar opposite from Lil. Before she could place the heart in the obsidian automaton, she had to create its body. She had the building points for it now, but she thought it wise to be close to her place of power as she created such a large and complicated golem.

  Spooky took a deep breath and drew mana from the altar. Using Energy Mass Conversion Magic, she began to form the golem with a hardened, almost-ceramic, form of obsidian. She started from the bottom. As the feet formed, it was clear this golem would not look anything like a man, nor even one of her stone angels. The feet were large three-toed talons, much like the raptors of old. The legs were thick and sturdy, and remained in a crouching position after being formed. The waist was wide and the chest thick. As the arms formed, one could see they were rather close to those of an orangutan. Each hand had seven fingers and an opposable thumb. The fingernails all came to a sharp point. There was no head atop the automaton, simply a large empty set of shoulders. The formation ended. It was a striking black golem, not beautiful like the angels.