But Death is Not Forbidden Read online

Page 19

  Moes had grudgingly filled her in on the political landscape surrounding their valley. Though their valley was unpopulated due to the cold temperatures, just over the mountains, this was not the case. Bork informed Spooky of what he knew about the goblin tribes under the mountains to the west, but sadly, he did not know much about either the vampires or the dark elves in that same direction.

  In order to review these priorities, Spooky had to force herself to concentrate. It should not have been so difficult.

  Initiating E.I. Surface Diagnostic…

  Core Processor- 23%

  Memory Threading- Increased XHmithril

  Mirror Neuron Software- 5%

  Personality Augmentation Software- (EMC 24% < BIND 76%)

  Out-Pod Connection- 67%

  In-Pod Connection- Break in service

  Primary Patron Synchronization - Hybrid integration confirmed

  Unable to initiate full core diagnostic...

  Again, her core processor was dragging. The avatar could barely keep her eyes open. As was now habit, she went to the basket Joe had first placed her in when this had first happened. As she laid down, she immediately fell asleep, though continued to deny that that was what was happening.

  Day eight.

  As Spooky awoke, she noticed that her processor was back up to running at its normal speed. As was her efficient practice, she immediately went to work and constructed the new uniforms for the goblins and Moes.


  The Abiogenesis Bunny Generator has made the Morning Bunny.

  Spooky used the ability to look through her golem’s eyes as she worked. She checked on the progress of the trench being dug outside of the castle. They were a little over half way across the hill, but it appeared they had run into an extremely dense vein of iron ore. Though harvesting was an advantageous move, it slowed down their progress on building the defensive trench. The stone angels had made progress in gathering stones weighing between twenty and forty pounds. They could be used to drop on invaders from the angels’ elevated positions. She wanted that trench completed as quickly as possible. If she gained a few more levels, she would be able to add more angels to the work crew.

  It was time for floor three.

  Chapter 14 - Passive Aggressive

  Grork and Moes stood before the entrance to the dungeon. With just the two of them present, there was an unease in the air. They had never had what could be considered a wholly positive interaction. Grork was obviously fine waiting in silence for Spooky, but Moes was starting to get impatient.

  “She told us to come down here so we could make some progress on this dungeon. I wonder what's taking her so long. Dark stars, we need to get moving. I want to get this done,” Moes said.

  “I'm surprised you're not crying about having to go into the dungeon like a whiny little baby. You know, like the last time we went in here,” Grork said.

  “That did not happen. I may have voiced a few rational concerns, but there was no whining. And, anyway, you couldn't understand what I was saying. We didn't get the UI translation until after Spooky died. You're just being a jerk. Which, for your information, didn't take a UI translation to figure out,” Moes said.

  Grork began a low rumbling laugh. “I didn't have to speak your language to see you were terrified of the dungeon. You were trying to crawl away from it like a mouse escaping a cat. As to the whining, your voice went up at least two octaves and stayed at that high pitch for the entire rant. My mind simply filled in what you were most likely saying during your soprano soliloquy,” Grork said, then cleared his throat. In a high-pitched soprano voice, Grork began to imitate Moes. “Please don't make me go in there, Spooky. There might be nine-legged spiders. I want my mommy. I haven't nursed in hours! I'm barely functional without the comfort of a mother's love. Don't make us go in! I forgot my blankie! Without the protection of my blankie, I know the monsters will eat me,” Grork said. Reverted back to his normal gravelly voice, he continued, “You know something like that.” Moes just smiled.

  “That was actually pretty good. I especially liked the part where you said I hadn't nursed in hours. It really made me see myself as a little whiny baby. Though the best aspect of your performance was that magnificent falsetto you used. With your normal gravelly voice I wouldn't have thought you could strike such a high-pitched mocking tone. I liked it so much, I think you should use it more often,” Moes said, then stepped back and began chanting.

  Grork was unsure what the little halfling was doing, but he hefted his pickaxe just in case. Moes’ right hand was glowing blue and he lifted it to his lips and blew a kiss at Grork. A small weak cloud of magical mist blew into Grork’s face. Grork sneezed, and felt a tiny change in his mind. Worry and anger swept over Grork and he raised his pickaxe. Moes put his hands up and quickly remarked, “Remember the rules in the book that Joe and Spooky gave you.”

  Grork stopped, remembering he couldn't kill the little halfling without consequences. “What did you do?” Grork asked, trying to contain his fury.

  “Nothing that will hurt you or impede your combat effectiveness in any way. If anything, it will improve it. It'll also make it so that you're more fun to be around,” Moes said.

  “What did you do?” Grork asked again.

  “You'll have to wait and see,” Moes said. Then, without warning, a tiny hatch opened up in the ceiling and Spooky fell through it. She hovered between them and looked toward Grork’s pickaxe, which was held high and ready to attack. Though Spooky had the ability to eavesdrop on anyone in her castle, she had been otherwise occupied. For this reason, she misconstrued Grork’s current violent stance as being aimed at her.

  “Again, you look at me with violence in your eyes. If I am forced to defend myself against you again, I will not be gentle, as I was the last time. Joe gave you that book for your own protection. If you're not able to follow it, I'm sure I can convince him of your obsolescence. Do you know what I do with things that are no longer useful?” Spooky asked.

  Grork had a keen survival instinct. He knew on an instinctual level that Spooky was not like Joe. He understood that, like himself, Spooky would have no mercy for someone who was a true threat to her. It was not lost on the goblin that it was the dagger-wielding fairy who had given him the book of rules on proper behavior. She seemed to follow the letter of the law, while completely missing its spirit. Grork understood this, respected it even. In a wise move, he lowered his head in submission.

  “I did not mean to offend. My fury was directed at the halfling who cast some sort of spell on me,” Grork said. Spooky turned her eyes on Moes.

  “Grork has decided to become a subject of Joe. You have not. There are consequences when someone attacks one of his people,” Spooky said.

  Moes put his hands up. “It was not an attack! It will not cause any harm whatsoever. In fact, it has some beneficial properties. In stressful situations, it will help his voice carry and become more easily understood. My only wish was to help Grork become more combat effective,” Moes said.

  “That last sentence was an outright lie,” Spooky said.

  “Stars! You don't make it easy. Okay, I did it because it will be really funny for everyone within hearing distance, but I believe it could also be helpful,” Moes said.

  “Better. No lies in that. For now, I'll wait on passing any judgment. We have things that must be accomplished and Obsidian One is almost here. Quickly, put on these uniforms,” Spooky said as an angel brought in the upgraded military fatigues she had created that morning. “These will provide significantly more protection than your current accouterment. Please undress and my angels will take the clothes you're wearing back to your rooms,” Spooky said.

  Grork immediately began undressing so as to change into the new crisp black military fatigue. Moes looked embarrassed and gave Spooky a pained look. Moes made no move to undress.

  “Moes, I can see everything that goes on in this castle. The measurement for these uniforms is down to the micron. How do you
think I got such precise measurements? Though if it will help you move faster, I'll turn around,” Spooky said and then did so.

  As quickly as he could, Moes undressed, carefully and quickly folding his clothes in a pile. As he put on the fatigues, he was not surprised to find they fit perfectly. One thing that did amaze him was how much magic was in the uniquely woven fabric. It was clear to him that this fabric would be resistant to multiple types of damage. That, in itself, was a good thing, but as always, there was a cost. Once he was fully clothed, he decided to tell Spooky what he had discovered.

  “I don't know how you enchanted this fabric. For defense, it truly is a marvel, but that's not going to be the case for offense. It's going to cost me twice as much mana to cast while wearing such a heavenly enchanted garment. I think the trade-off is worth it though. Halflings, such as myself, have almost no resistances. From what I can feel, this garment will provide some protection from all physical dangers. From poison to blades, this uniform, as you call it, will make this dungeon more survivable,” Moes said.

  “Thank you, Moes. That's all important information. I didn't realize it would affect casting. Sadly, I'm not sure how to get around that side effect. In the spirit of sharing information, I should let you know, I didn't enchant this garment. I manufactured it from a thread derived from the flowers looted in this dungeon. During the manufacturing process, some potency was lost, which is the reason the uniforms provide resistance and not complete protection. I will continue to study the loot we receive from this dungeon in order to produce higher-quality items. On a security note, I have decided to classify all items produced using loot gathered from the dungeon. What that means is this: do not discuss these items with anyone but me, and only when in a secure setting. Inside the castle, we are secure. Right now, that is the only place where classified matters can be discussed. I know that it may hamper efficiency in some ways, but do not discuss classified information within the dungeon,” Spooky said.

  “Does that mean I can't talk about the ring that I looted inside the dungeon?” Moes asked.

  “Actually, you can talk about the ring. Right now, the only things that are classified are items produced inside of this castle,” Spooky said.

  “Classified. I like the sound of that word. It feels good. Safe and secure,” Grork commented.

  At that moment, the double doors opened and Obsidian One walked in. This was Moes’ first time witnessing the eight-foot automaton. Quick as a cat, Moes hid behind Grork, seeing him as now the lesser threat. Grork stood still, eyeing Obsidian One with respect. With military precision, Obsidian One gave a half bow to Spooky, covering its heart with its right fist. Grork followed suit. Spooky recognized the respect she was being shown, and returned their salutes. What Spooky had taken as a random courtesy, had become something more. Seeing the salute, Moes recognized he was not in danger and came out from behind Grork. This caused Spooky to pose a question.

  “You obviously haven't spent much time in combat, Moes, particularly within a military setting. How were you able to gain all those levels you possess?” Spooky said.

  “As you might remember, before I met you and Joe, I didn't know levels existed. I can only assume I was given credit for my study of magic, perhaps due to the crafting I did. I don't know, but let’s go. I'm ready to gain levels,” Moes said. Spooky nodded and moved on.

  “Now that we are all gathered together, I want to talk about what happened last time we entered Os. First, I left myself open for attack. In order to have a more successful attempt I will be riding inside Obsidian One,” Spooky said waving to the big black figure. “The next change we need to make will take more effort. Last time, we had no teamwork. This time, each of us will have a role. I will take the “tank” position since Obsidian One is basically a suit of powered armor. Moes, I want you to hamper the targets. Confuse their minds or cause them to attack other targets. If you find a monster that you can safely control, let me know. Also, before we reach the third level of the dungeon, we need all the beneficial buffing spells you can provide, Moes,” Spooky said, turning now toward Grork, “Unfortunately, I have not yet seen you really use that pick of yours, but you will be a secondary tank. Pick up the aggression of any targets I miss. I will use the two stone angels to provide extra damage. However, if we get overwhelmed by numbers, I will use the angels to pull monsters off of us and kite them around the room. With that said, listen for corrections and changes. We will be bypassing floors one and two. After I suit up, follow me in,” Spooky said.

  Both Grork’s and Moes’ eyes went wide as Obsidian One’s chest opened up. Apparently neither had been listening close enough when Spooky explained what was going to happen. After Spooky climbed in and Obsidian One’s chest closed, Spooky hulkingly walked inside the dungeon. Her two ivory golems and her two group mates quickly followed after.

  The Dungeon of Os could sense Spooky inside of Obsidian One. It wasn't quite breaking the five member group rule, but it was close. Os decided to let it go. If, however, Spooky left her golem while the rest of the group members still survived, there would be consequences. The black automaton wasn't the only thing to catch Os’ metaphorical eye. The clothes the goblin and the halfling were wearing seemed familiar. Not the cut of the uniform or the well designed pockets, although she had never seen their like. It was the fabric. The enchantments woven through them were similar, although weaker, to the ones Os commonly used. She would love to eat whoever enchanted them. It's always good to find out how someone else accomplished a task. The more ways you understood how to accomplish a task, the closer you were to mastering it, and even improving the product.

  The Covenant Dungeon of Os welcomes the Keeper and her well-dressed companions. The gurkins on floor three need more fiber in their diet.

  This time all group members received the translation from their UI.

  “Why is it now described as a covenant dungeon instead of an ancient dungeon?” Moes asked.

  “That's a good question, unfortunately you will not receive an answer. In fact, both you and Grork will now be bound never to reveal the true age of this dungeon,” Spooky said.

  Os watched as Spooky bound both Grork and Moes never to reveal the fact that Os was an ancient dungeon. Spooky was keeping her side of the covenant. Not everyone had the fortitude to be a good secret keeper. Although what Spooky had done pleased Os, she would not go easy on this group. Rules were rules. And, so far, this group was tasty.

  This time, Spooky had brought the two Medallions of Safe Passage. They quickly made their way through the first two floors, and then the halfling cast beneficial buffs on the group. Os recognized many of the spells, but a few of them were new. One in particular caught her eye, Clarity of Thought. This was a hybrid spell involving Mind and Spirit Magic. It seemed to create new pathways in the brain, helping both the left and the right hemisphere to work together more efficiently. For some reason, this spell did not affect Spooky.

  After they were fully buffed, they made their way down the stairs to Floor 3. The humidity, once again, caused them to feel the warmth of the swamp. The last time they were here, Spooky had died. Even while inside of Obsidian One, Spooky paused. Something about the smell and humidity brought up emotions she would not acknowledge existed. Mastering herself, she took the lead. As Spooky walked forward in Obsidian One, she kept one hand high and one hand low. This stance was meant to counter enemies that might surprise her.

  “Just like the last time, I can sense the monsters, only none of them seem to be coming this direction,” Moes said.

  “We'll make our way over that small ridge on the left. Watch the water. That's where danger came from the last time,” Spooky said.

  At the peak of the ridge, Grork noticed a light red vein of ore. His eyes seemed to glow with enthusiasm and he began to take a step forward only to stop and look toward Spooky.

  “Please, let me mine it,” Grork said.

  Spooky looked at the ore and mind-clicked it.

  You have fou
nd an Ore Vein. In this vein, one can find deposits of Bauxite, a variant of aluminum ore. Note: Bauxite is more difficult to mine then copper or iron. For this reason, a higher proficiency in mining is required in order to extract the ore.

  Current group members capable of mining this vein: Grork.

  After using the remaining group members to surround the ore, Spooky gave Grork the go-ahead. As he happily mined away at the vein, Spooky began to ponder. Was the UI now trying to limit her gathering abilities? Was it just part of the program, or were the developers trying to slow her growth? She didn't want to have to spend valuable points upgrading her golems so they could mine higher-quality ore. At this point, they didn't even need to collect more ore. Joe’s Holdall contained plenty for now. On the other hand, it would have been frustrating if her avatar had to personally go to the bag in order to retrieve anything. Fortunately, she had created a separate large storage space. She now just sent her golems to retrieve whatever she needed from the storage space. Efficiency was important to her.

  The vein suddenly disappeared and in its place sat five small nuggets of bauxite. Grork pursed his lips. That was not normally what happened when he had mined in the past.

  “We're players now. Everything is different. That must be one of those quirks of the UI. Wait till you die and then are reborn. Dark stars, does that bring it home!” Moes said.

  Grork bent down and retrieved the five nuggets, placing each one in a different pocket on his uniform. He grunted an acknowledgment of what Moes had said.

  The group formed up again, with Obsidian One in the lead. Over the ridge, there was a small flat area. It sat directly beside the water. Moes confirmed for Spooky that there was a monster just under the water. It was time to get back on the horse. Spooky felt butterflies in her stomach. This was somewhat appropriate, considering she was a winged fairy inside of a golem.